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Events Calendar

Yankee Beemer Back To Jamaica Campout!

Join us at Jamaica State Park in Jamaica, Vermont. The Fall Campout at Jamaica is the last official YB campout of the season. This is the finest time of year to ride Vermont! This campout has moved around over the years, and we like to keep it fresh. This year we go back to Jamaica for... [Read More]

31ST Annual Gathering Of The Clams

Hosted by the Ocean State BMW Riders Our good friends in Rhode Island are hosting their annual Clambake and Campout! $80 in advance Camp Fuller YMCA Camp 619 Camp Fuller Rd Wakefield, Rhode Island 02897 Contact: Steve Forand FORANDS9@GMAIL.COM

Yankee Beemer Breakfast

The Willowbrook Restaurant 8 AM. 16 Hastings St, Mendon, MA Officer Nominations

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